Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches to Mental Health in Young People : All Pages
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Website Info
Lottie Shipp
Meet the Team
Eleanor Leigh
Jiedi Lei
Hjordis Lorenz
Sophie Grant
Rachel Evans
Naomi Tromans
Lottie Mason
Study 1
study 2
Study 3
Online Social anxiety Cognitive therapy for Adolescents (OSCA)
Understanding Social Anxiety in Autistic Individuals
Cognitive and Behavioural Mechanisms of Social Anxiety in Pre-Adolescents
Current Projects
News & Opportunities
Young People's Advisory Group (YPAG)
OSCA Implementation
OSCA Optimisation
OSCA Evaluation
OSCA in Bradford
Social Anxiety and Peer Relationships
Social Anxiety and Concentration in the Classroom
Mechanisms of change
Collaborator 1
Resources for Clinicians and Reseachers
Resources for Clinicians & Families
Cognitive Approaches to Mental health in Young people: Use of cookies on this website
Sakshi Rajesh
Amy Brazier
Emma Jewitt
Nora Skjerdingstad
The Guardian - New online therapies could help at least twice number of people recover from anxiety